Listening to Tool for the moment. They have an interesting approach to writing their songs. Similar to the one I have to my stories. I let them live their lives. I let them talk to me rather than tell them how to be told. I believe that this gives the best result.

Currently working on Communications for C'est Bon 11. I think I like how it turns out. Pouring out of my brain, onto paper, into computer, out in print, spread through distribution. This is my life, in a way. Part of it, at least. I implore you: enjoy it. It will be released at Small Press eXpo in Stockholm this April.

I was censored from Warburger because my story Angry animals on war and terror (found in my sequential arts section) was inappropriate. Of course you could read it as a support for terrorism, but I expect a little more than that from my readers. All I do, really, is ask the question "why?"

Someone has to do it. Always.

Mattias Elftorp, jan 28 2004


Writing this as it pops up in my head. Maybe that makes for the most faithful presentation. Of course, that's a lie, since I just deleted text that popped out of my head, trading them for these words popping onto the screen. But it's a nice sentiment.

As you can see on the rest of this site, my primary function is as artist, whether I do sequential art or just plain images or text. If it isn't for myself or for living, it is for C'est Bon Kultur or some important political purpose.

This text probably won't last here for too long. I don't think I like it.

I recently finished a course in gender studies. You will find a little something (Konsensus) that I wrote for it under Writings. Only in swedish though. Sorry.

Mattias Elftorp, jan 21 2004


I learned of a technique once to know the future by staring into an inactive TV screen. The potential images from the thousands of channels you're not watching lie there, just beneath the surface of the screen. If you stare into it and relax your mind properly, it will take those images of now and interpret them into visions of the future.

I have created posters and other material for the swedish anarchosyndicalist union SAC and various others, as well as illustrations and comics for various occasions.
I'm also one of the proud founders of the swedish comics anthology C'est Bon.

Mattias Elftorp, may 15 2003